Dr. Sharfuddin, Physiotherapist of a private hospital giving treatment to one of our Mentally Retarded Child (Mahesh) as a part time service to Al-Shifa Residential School of Cognition, Kadapa in the Dormitory along with other Mentally Retarded Children.
A Severe Mentally Retarded Child "Bhanu Teja" is being fed by Moderate Mentally Retarded Child "Bilal Basha" in Al-Shifa Residential School of Cognition, Kadapa. While the Principal Smt. S. Sabirunnisa observing the mutual friendship of Mentally Retarded Children.
Grand Daughter of Chief Engineer 11 KV of kadapa Electricity Department who residing at U.S.A. Mother worked as bank Employee in Hyderabad. She is playing with the animal toys while our Principal Smt. S. Sabirunnisa, observing the girl as part of mentally study. 25/06/2005
The field staff of Agatsiya International Mobile Science Laboratory, Tirupati, demonstrating some experiments solar system, movements of planets and Satellites to the mentally retarted children who are obsereving to class with atmost interest . 25/06/2005
Parents Councelling was conducted in Al-Shifa and nearly fifty members participated in the meeting, under the Chairmanship of Smt. S. Sabirunnisa, Principal, Al-Shifa, Cuddapah.
Walking Examine is also arrenged for the Cerebral Palsy Children by the staff personally .
Running race of Loco motor disability Children is one of our Greatest Achievements of our Institution.
Staff Members of Al-Shifa conducting sports items(Running race) on the event of Independence Day to the Mentally Retarded Children (Boy's).
Staff Members of Al-Shifa conducting sports items(Running race) on the event of Independence Day to the Mentally Retarded Children (Girl's).
Flag ring's performance coaching given by Al-Shifa Staff for the Independence Show in the Police Parade Ground on 15th August.
Master Prasanth is receiving Physiotherapy from Smt. S. Sabirunnisa, Principal of Al-Shifa. P. Ravishankar Reddy is assisting the Principal in the Physiotherapy.
Dance Therapy and reherasals giving to the Mentally retarded girls fo the School Day function.
Mr. Abdullah (Part time) Physio Therapist giving Physiotherapy to the Master Khaja Mohiddin.
Master Vinay is receiving Physiotherapy from Laveena Janet and Prema, Part time Physio Therapist and occupation therapist of Al-Shifa.