Provide some of your time for the sake of needy destitute and penurious human beings and revise their nemesis modestly….. you need not change the whole world
S.MD. RAFIAl-Shifa Minority Institution for mentally retarded and old aged, Kadapa believes and insists that all the human beings are created by only one God and being protected by the same one God, who expects and demands the well equipped and well being people to assist him in providing such unfortunate children so as to enable them to have the right of cheerful life. They too can make miracles surprisingly if they are given divine cognition. They are running the yoga classes for the mentally retarded children and getting good results with mild category children. All their staff members are dedicated and rendering committed service more then 2000 mentally retarded children through out the Districts of Kadapa, Chittoor, Kurnool and Anantapur.
AL-SHIFA, Post Box No: 29, Kadapa(Cuddapah) 516001 (A.P) INDIA. Phone Numbers : +91 94405 03702, +91 94404 0056, +91 8562 200279 - 223829. Email:
We have Exemption of Income tax under 12AA and 80G @ INCOME TAX ACT 1961 Our A/C No. 10422378263 IFSC Code: SBIN0001902 State Bank Of India , Yerra Mukka Palli, kadapa (Cuddapah) - 516004, A.P INDIA. Our A/C No. 595109260 Indian bank, kadapa (Cuddapah) - 516001, A.P INDIA.FOREIGN CONTRIBUTION RESOLUTION ACT (FCRA) NO. 010160394
Al-Shifa Minority Institution for Mentally Retarded and Old aged Kadapa stands for sincere service; Rehabilitation and responsibility; Care and concern; Loyalty and Commitment; Transparency and accountability.
Donations,Contributions,Kind, Books, Suggestions and Advices.
Let it be very small or minute in size, the intervention coming out from your heart is very important. The God almighty will bless all such philanthropists who help these most unfortunate Children. Bless them and be blended by saying A men to our prayers. We would like to offer thanks from the bottom of our hearts to one and all who are visiting our web site.
Al-Shifa is imparting counseling for the parents of mentally retarded children as to how to deal with their children at home.
For more advises or suggestions the parents can contact us in person or by phone. (or)
They can also join their child in our residential school.