6/104, 5th cross,Ravindra Nagar, Kadapa info@kadapamr.in
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Board of Directors of AL-SHIFA M.I for Mentally
Retarded and Old aged, Kadapa.

Sl.No Name Designation
1 Shaik Chand Begum (alias)Shaik Mahaboob Chand. President
2 S. Mohammed Rafi General Secretary
3 Syed S. Fazel Treasurer
4 S.J. Karimulla Basha Director
5 S. Basheerunnisa Director
6 S. Neelofar Banu Director
7 S. Tippu Sulthan Director

AL-SHIFA School Staff Details

Sl.No Designation Staff Full time Part time
1 Principal 1 Yes
2 Special Teachers 2 Yes
3 Trained Graduate Teachers 4 Yes
4 Asst Teachers 3 Yes
5 Vocational Instructor 1 Yes
6 Speech Therapist 1 Yes
7 Physiotherapist 1 Yes
8 Psychologist 1 Yes
9 Yoga & Music 1 Yes
10 Doctor 1 Yes
11 Accountant 1 Yes
12 Warden 1 Yes
13 Cook 1 Yes
14 Sweeper-cum-peon 1 Yes
15 Chowkidar 1 Yes
16 Aayas 6 Yes