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Padmalatha is also one of the Victims of blood relatives marriage. Her parents are Sreenivasulu Naidu and Rathamma. She was born after a lapse of 15 years of their marriage. Due to Scissarian operation the labour was complicated at the birth of this child. Her head was abnormally small in size. She did not cry when she was born general growth complication with drooling saliva and "fits" were uncontrolled and after loses even her consciousness, murmuring within her self with no clarity in linguistic communication. Calling all female persons as mother. Donot eating and sleeping well.

In our school we provided her speech therapy, physiotherapy and physical exercises. Her fits were controlled slowly by neurological treatement after one year. Now she is able to verbalize certain words and write some words. Able to mingle with other children she is talking food for her self. There is a lot of improvement in her behaviour than before.


He is the second son of Ramasubbarayudu and Manjula unfortunately his elder brother Nagarjuna is also a mentally retarded child and has been admitted in our school for treatment. Doctors predicted that manikanta shall not be an ordinary child and their anticipation about him will be a depressing one to the parents. With a minimum hope and yearning, parents have joined them in Al-Shifa. Manikanta could not sit and stand. His neck was not sturdy enough to hold his head. His discern and eyesight was also very capricious. He was classified under moderate mentally retarded. Eye exercises were given to him. His power of remembrance was remarkable and he was able to read and write texts. He was provided the physiotherapy also. He was able to walk with walker. Another curious matter is that the parents of these two children studied the special course useful to the Mentally Retarded children and now working in our school for the sake of their children. These children are sent to general classes along with the normal Children, and Nagarjuna has participated in Special Olympics in the year 2005 at GMG Balayogi Stadium, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, and A BRONZE MEDAL was achieved in Speed Walk Competition.


She is the first daughter of Viswanath Reddy and Sujatha. She did not cry at her birth. No sounds were coming out from her throat until her second year. She was not able to walk also. After the nexk operation doctors advised the parents to join her in a special school.

Accordingly she was admitted in to Al-Shifa in the year 2002. We have provided here special type of exercises to hands and legs and also adopted neck, cheek tongue activities. Now she is able to spell two letter words and is able to recognize English letters. She is going to be admitted into a normal school from the year 2007. Parents are fully satisfied with the improvements in their daughter and are feeling very happy.


Vinay kumar, elder son of Sri. Vijay Kumar and Hemalatha, whose marriage was from the blood relatives only. Self torturing and intimidating, Thorouging all the articles and utensils down, lmost unstabilityof mental balance, were his main problems at the time of his admission in to our school even though he was consuming food every day. His excretal mechanism was active only once in a fortnight, because of piles. We have provided all sorts of behaviour modification methods along with physical exercises. After a period of four years, now he able to carry out his own needs without the help of others. He is now observing the others indication and following their prompting counsel not to spoil anything. But when he goes to home from the school, he is giving some trouble to his parents. We are giving counseling to the parents also as to how to manage him at the home.


Ayesha is the eldese daughter of Mahaboob Basha and Mabunnee. At the age of 15 years of her mother, Ayesha was born. She did not cry when she was born. One of the mother's entrails was encircled around her neck when she was born. Her legs and hands were curved and blamed and also underdeveloped. Even after 2 years her neck was not sturdy. No sitting or no crawling or moving were there. There was Drooling saliva uncontrollably form her mouth. She could not hold any article firmly.

She was classified as severe Mentally Retarded Child. She was provided a special type of treatment required as per her condition. She was slowly started speaking and reading, writing, walking and also started to consume food for herself.

The parents of ayesha are very happy to see their child's development in our school.


Laliteshwari is the Second Daughter of Umamaheswarachari and Umadevi. When her mother was carrying, she has fallen sick and had high blood pressure. Thus her labour has become risky and troublesome. She was always crying in her Childhood. Her neck was very week and not sturdy, she was not sleeping at all, and eating very little and very delicate. After the admission into our school now with the hard work and special care towards her, she has recovered from severe stages. She started to eat upto six idlies. She has started to recognize people around her. This is a great achievement of our staff in the recent past.


Charan is the eldest son of Subbarayudu. He was born after two years of their marriage. It was a normal delivery, upto two years he was alright and they all believed that he is a normal child. One day while sleeping he got fits. They have given treatment for fits. Slowly he has started to isolate himself from others. Throwing articles, playing with dangerous electrical appliances. He was not interested in food and drinks. He doesn't sleep and let others not to sleep. All through the night they were watching him from going out of the house. Some times they were tying up with ropes so that he may notmove from the bed. But he was untying himself. They have tried in several places for his treatment. As a last resort they have joined Charan into our school. Now he is provided special treatment in Al-Shifa and getting better in all aspects. He is eating food for himself and performing his normal activities independently. There is lot of improvement in his health condition.


Amthul Mateen is one of the twins of M. A. Mazeed Khan and Syed Firdose, living in kachiguda of Hyderabad. She was born after 7 years of their marriage. The second child born to them is a normal child. She has cried and began to drink milk. But the first child han not done any of these activities. Doctors told that she won't survive much longer. But her parents took her to several hospsitals and clinics to see her as a normal baby, but all efforts gone in vain. Being given to understand about the Al-Shifa school, they have joined her in our school in the year 2005.

We have provided special physiotherapy and other methods of teatment for her. By the help and co-operation and also restless efforts of our staff, she could get to normal condition within these two years of time. Now she is able to do all her activities regularly. She is taking food for herself. She began to sit with support. She is responding for others signals. On the whole, her mental condition is improved upto 30% to 40%.