6/104, 5th cross,Ravindra Nagar, Kadapa info@kadapamr.in
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I.Q. Medical Camp & Assessment camp conducted by Al-Shifa, kadapa, with the help and co-operation of Dr. S. Bhaskar naidu, Clinical Psychologist, SVRRGG Hospital, Tirupati in Nandalur .

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Parents meeting was conducted in our school for which parents have attended along with their children in which all of them responded very well.

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Mr. Riyazuddin one of the Spl. Teachers of Al-Shifa School is taking class for Mentally retarted children Pre-primary stage .

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Dr. Bhaskar Naidu, District Medical Board, Kadapa and Tem of Al-Shifa are assessing the MR. Children at a Free Medical Camp conducted in Kalasapadu.

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National Conference for Mentally retarded Children in CHENNAI under the Chairmanship of Mr. Karunanidhi CHIEF MINISTER of Tamil Nadu. Founder, General Secretary Mr. S.Md. Rafi and the Principal Smt. S. Sabirunnisa attend along with so many participated.